
Still From Hop Along Hang On by Cobra Collins

Hop Along, Hang On

A poetic story of reclamation, recovery and reconciliation by Métis spoken word artist Cobra Collins.

Johnny Crow

Johnny Crow

Cree artist Jesse Gouchey paints a large-scale frame-by-frame animation of a young man’s journey through the justice system, and his physical, mental, and spiritual struggle to return to his son. 

Animovies - Susan Pitt- Asparagus


A true story of a young artist who confronts his inner demons while apprenticing with a northwest totem carver after the death of his beloved.

Still from SAVJ by Tank Standing Buffalo


Tank, the eldest of eight siblings, grapples with the memory of the moment his family was torn apart. Foraging for survival alone in a forest, the children fear a dangerous force. But what lurks in the darkness is true evil.

Spirit of the Bluebird by Jesse Gouchey

Spirit of the Bluebird

Using spray paint on a fence where Gloria Black Plume, an Indigenous (Blood) mother and grandmother was brutally murdered, Cree artist Jesse Gouchey paints a large-scale animation of a bluebird in flight

S is for Storytelling

S is for Storytelling

Mama Starfish tells Baby Starfish her favourite story about Silky the Seal playing tag with her friends. Hilda the Hammerhead and Jelly Jellyfish get Silky into a bit of trouble, but the friends help each other to sort it out.

Vulture and the Bear by Jerry Tony

Vulture and the Bear

What happens when a lazy bird makes a deal with a bear, and doesn’t keep his word? Find out in this short animation of a traditional Anishnabae story told by elder James Whitehawk.